Affine Grassmannians of reductive groups
This serves as a starting point for my self-study of geometric Langlands. Currently, I am interested in geometric Satake equivalence, which establishes an equivalence between the category of representation of the Langland dual group (of a given reductive group) and the category of perverse sheaves on affine Grassmannians. Affine grassmannians are interesting objects, and appear naturally when studying stack of principal bundles. Let us now study them, and the story, of reductive groups, is often with $\mathrm{GL}_n$. Affine Grassmannians of general linear groups via lattices Let $R$ be a commutative ring and denoteby $R[[t]]$ and $R((t))$ the formal power series and Laurent series, respectively. Definition . A lattice $L \subset R((t))^n$ is a finite locally free $R[[t]]$-submodule of $R((t))^n$ such that the canonical morphism $L \otimes_{R[[t]]} R((t)) \longrightarrow R((t))^n$ is an isomorphism. Note that locally free means that a vector bundle at the level of schemes...