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Potential semi-stability of p-adic representations coming from algebraic geometry

Last week, I participated in a summer school on arithmetic geometry and Langlands program. Although this is not my field of interests, I always give some respect those who work in those fields. I also did gave a motivational TA talk about couting points on elliptic curves. To be honest, I do not expect to learn much from this school but I got enough inspiration to read arithmetic stuff, which I am going to write. Since I am an algebraic geometer, I'd like to present things in a geometric way. Let $p$ be a prime number and denote $\mathbb{Q}_p$ the $p$-adic local field. Let $K$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$. Let $G_K = \mathrm{Gal}(\overline{K}/K)$ the absolute Galois group. A $\ell$- adic representation of $G_K$ is a continuous morphism (of groups) $$G_K \longrightarrow \mathrm{GL}_n(V),$$ where $V$ is a finite-dimensional $\mathbb{Q}_{\ell}$-vector space with $\ell \neq p$ a prime. We denote by $K^{unr}$ the maximal unramified extension and $I_K = \mathrm{Gal}(\overline

From Fourier analysis on finite groups to l-adic Fourier transform

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In this post, I'd like to give a rapid introduction to the theory of $l$-adic Fourier transform developed by Laumon-Deligne-... My goal is not to how can we apply $l$-adic Fourier transform to prove the Weil conjectures but rather to see why their definitions are natural in comparison with the classical theory. My feeling is that it is easier to present Fourier transforms on finite fields than on measurable spaces (which require a lot of work and details) and the $l$-adic one is formally adapted from the one for finite fields. Fourier analysis on finite abelian groups Given a finite abelian group $G$, written additively, what we want to do here is to define a space $L^2(G)$ similar to the Hilbert space $L^2(X)$ of square integrable functions $X \longrightarrow \mathbb{C}$ (modulo equal almost everywhere relation) for $X$ being a measurable space. Then it is possible to develop a Fourier transform on $L^2(G)$. The finiteness seems to be a technical condition that you can see to be u

Estimates of Kloosterman sums

This is motivated from a talk presented by prof. Ngo Bao Chau that I attended recently. The subject of the talk was to give an estimate of the so-called Kloosterman sum by transferring it to the language of $l$-adic cohomology. Follow Katz, let me spend some momemt to recall the motivating problem: given a prime $p$ and an integer $a$ s.t. $(a,p)=1$, the Kloosterman sum is defined as the complex number $$\mathrm{Kl}(a,p) = \sum_{(x,y) \in \mathbb{F}_p: xy = a} \operatorname{exp}\left(\frac{2\pi i}{p}(x+y) \right).$$ By an elementary argument, one can see that this sum is a real number and in the early time when Kloosterman studied the Hardy-Littlewood circle method, he wanted to bound this sum by a function of $p$.  Some motivations   Theorem 1 (Kloosterman 1926). For any $\epsilon > 0$, we have $\left |\mathrm{Kl}(a,p) \right| < Cp^{3/4+\epsilon}$.   Kloosterman's proof was quite elementary, however, the bound can be sharpen much more as follows. Theorem 2 (Weil) . We have